About us

Terra Habal Company s.r.o., based in the Czech Republic, was set up in 2014. This family owned business was established by the Habal brothers, Martin, Vít and Jan, who thus linked their professional careers with their previous lives which had been firmly connected with terrarium animals since early childhood.

As small boys, with the support of their father, a passionate entomologist, they would always try to breed and reproduce something, and they were literally fascinated by the diversity of nature. Each of them, however, had a different field.

Martin, the oldest of them, was most interested in arachnids and insects; Vít had amphibians, and Jan, the youngest one, was especially keen on reptiles. In their breeders' careers, they all achieved many successes and so it is not surprising that, when they wanted to move on in breeding and rearing of terrarium animals, they decided to pool all of their previous experience in this branch. With a maximum family support, they set up a facility matching their expectations of professional terrarium management providing the animals with maximum welfare standards.

About Terra Company Habal

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